Britannia Two Step Ceilidh Dance Instructions

Music Info: (M16) Any 16 or 32 bar Scottish March

Meter: 2/4 , 4/4 or 6/8

Introduction: Round the room dance, In 3s facing anticlockwise

Formation: Depends upon the recording, but typically
Trios all facing CCW around the room. Traditionally the person in the middle is a M and the people on the sides are W.
In threes around the room facing anti-clockwise, man between two ladies, or lady between two men.

Dance Steps:

(Bar 1): Nearer hands joined, touch the left heel then the left toe to the floor, bouncing on the right foot with each touch.
(Bar 2): All skip to the left and forward (diagonally) for 3 quick steps.
(Bars 3-4): Repeat 1-2 to the right.
(Bars 5-8): Walk “forward, two, three, hop”, then “back, two, three, hop”.
(Bars 9-10): Set (or SHOOGLE!!) to the right, set (SHOOGLE!) to the left.
(Bars 11-12): Still setting, the man raises his arms and the ladies turn underneath.
(Bars 13-16): Walk “forward, two, three, hop”, then “back, two, three, hop”.


Scottish Country Dancing Instructions:
1- 4 Nearer hands joined, touch the left heel then the left toe to the floor, bouncing on the right foot with each touch, All skip to the left for one step. Repeat with opposite feet.
5- 8 Skip forward for two steps, then backwards for two steps
9-12 All set and Ladies turn under Man's arms
13-16 Skip forward for two steps, then backwards for two steps


Music by: New Syne Band